Niagara County
The Party of Principle - Maximum Freedom - Minimum Government
The Philosophy of Liberty
Authored by Ken Schoolland (Jonathan Gullible), The Philosophy of Liberty is an excellent distillation of the core values that define libertarian philosophy.
Introduction to the Libertarian Party
Wes Benedict has served in the National Libertarian Party in various capacities since 1996. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the LNC at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. This book not only serves as an introduction, but a political primer for activists, as well.
The Libertarian Reader
David Boaz is one of the founders of the Cato Institute (libertarian think tank) and currently serves as their Executive Vice President. In addition to The Libertarian Primer, he's also authored The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom.
The Road to Serfdom
F.A. Hayek, an Austrian economist, is largely viewed as one history's greatest proponents of the free market system. In this seminal work, Hayek challenges the British notion that fascism was the capitalist response to socialism. It is still widely regarded today.
For a New Liberty
From the Austrian School of Economics, Murray Rothbard was an American economist and supporter of anarcho-capitalism whose writings played a seminal role in the establishment of libertarianism.
Healing Our World: In An Age of Aggression
Dr. Mary Ruwart was the leading candidate for the 2008 Libertarian Party presidential nominee. Healing Our World is an excellent analysis of how to apply libertarian ideals in the post-9/11 socio-political climate.
Authored by James Ostrowski, candidate for the 1994 LPNY Gubernatorial nomination, this book is quite possibly one of the best analyses of the pervasive political ideology that libertarians are currently fighting against in America.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Fiction. Set in the dystopian future where residents of the moon are treated as second-class citizens compared to their Earth-based counterparts, sci-fi author and self-described libertarian, Robert Heinlein, postulates what will happen when they rise up against their aggressors.
Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
TV. Noted magician duo and outspoken advocates of liberty, Penn & Teller, come together in this entertaining and informative TV show to reveal the tricks and slight-of-hands behind everyday deceptions that are presented to unwitting people as truth.